How to get to Baños de Agua Santa from Quito?
If you want to go from Quito to Baños de Agua Santa, you can go to the Quitumbe bus station (terminal terrestre) in the south of the city. At this station you will find buses from the transport cooperatives: Baños, Express Baños, Amazonas, San Francisco, Sangay, Centinela de Oriente. These buses run regularly to the town of Baños de Agua Santa.
The time of departure varies depending on the cooperative. In the morning the buses run every 15 or 30 minutes, unlike at night where the last bus leaves at 11.30 pm.
Estimated travel time: 4 hours
Estimated cost: USD 4.40
The user line of Quitumbe bus station is +593 2-398-8200
If you want to travel by car, you can take the Panamericana sur route: Quito - Latacunga- Salcedo-Ambato - Pelileo - Baños de Agua Santa.
How to get to Baños de Agua Santa from Guayaquil?
When you are in Guayaquil and want to go to Baños de Agua Santa, you can go to the Guayaquil bus station where interprovincial buses leave for the city of Baños de Agua Santa. The transport cooperatives that travel this route are: Cooperativa de Transporte Baños, Cooperativa de Transporte Riobamba, Cooperativa Touris San Francisco Oriental, Cooperativa Flota Pelileo and their buses run regularly.
Estimated travel time: 5 hours
Estimated Cost: USD 10
To obtain more information, you can communicate the bus station on + 593 42130166
If you want to travel with your own car, you can travel along the following route: Bucay - Pallatanga - Riobamba - Ambato - Baños de Agua Santa
How to get to Baños de Agua Santa from Cuenca?
If you want to go to Baños de Agua Santa from the city Cuenca, you can go to the bus station of the city. Two buses from the transport cooperative, Transporte Amazonas will depart- one in the morning and the other at night to Baños de Agua Santa.
Estimated travel time: 8 hours
Estimated cost: 10 USD
When traveling with your own car, you can travel along the following routes:
Route 1: Cuenca - Riobamba - Ambato - Baños de Agua Santa.
Route 2: Cuenca - Azogues - Cañar - Alausi - Riobamba - Baños de Agua Santa.
Route 3: Cuenca - Gualaceo - Sucua - Macas - Puyo - Baños de Agua Santa, this route is the longest.
How to get to Baños de Agua Santa from the northern border of Rumichaca Ecuador-Colombia?
If you are on the border between Ecuador and Colombia, at the Rumichaca International Bridge, it is best to go to the bus station Tulcán. From Tulcán you can take a bus to the bus station Quitumbe at the south of Quito or to the bus station Carcelén in Quito. From Quito you can then take another bus to Baños de Agua Santa.
How to get to Baños de Agua Santa from the southern border of Huaquillas Ecuador-Peru?
If you are on the border between Ecuador and Peru, on the international bridge between Aguas Verdes (Peru) and Huaquillas (Ecuador), you can go to the bus station Huaquillas. We recommend taking a bus from Huaquillas to the bus station in Guayaquil. Interprovincial buses will regularly leave from Guayaquil to the town of Baños de Agua Santa.
We recommend this page that will help you with the Bus Schedule throughout Ecuador from where you are to where you want to go