How to get from Guayaquil to Baños de Agua Santa?
To get to Baños de Agua Santa from the city of Guayaquil we present you two different options so you can easily get around.
By car
If you have a car, you must take the E40 to El Triunfo and continue along route 487. We continue to Bucay and Alausí until we reach Palmira. If you have time, you can visit the desert of the same name where you can contemplate a unique landscape of its pine forest and other vegetation.
Following the road, you can take the E35 road to Guamote. Continue through Columbe until you reach Colta where you will find the María Natividad de Balbanera building, which is the first Catholic Church in Ecuador built almost 5 centuries ago.
Following this same route, on the way we will cross Penipe with Destination to Baños de Agua Santa. On the way of this route you will observe an elevation of the top 5 in Ecuador. The Chimborazo volcano is 6310 meters, this being the highest point in the world from the center of the Earth being higher than Mount Everest.
When you arrive to Baños de Agua Santa, which is characterized as one of the most touristic cities in Ecuador due to the practice of extreme sports, its innumerable vegetative landscapes and its thermal waters will enchant you, since these come from the Tungurahua volcano itself, which for a decade has been inactive.
The journey by car can last between 6 hours to 7 hours, the time will depend on the traffic flow and the road conditions.
Interprovincial bus
There are interprovincial bus companies that have Baños de Agua Santa as their destination. In the same way there are others that go to cities located in the Amazon region that can leave you on the road a few meters from the Baños terminal, on your way through this town.
Interprovincial transportation to Baños can be found at the Guayaquil Terminal, located next to José Joaquín de Olmedo International Airport. The buses usually make a stop on the highway to take passengers.
The cooperatives that offer the Guayaquil – Baños frequency are the following:
• Baños Transport Cooperative
Departures: 08:10 a.m., 12:10 p.m., 11:00 p.m., 11:55 p.m.
• Touris San Francisco Oriental Cooperative
Departures: 7:30 a.m., 10:15 p.m., 0:20 a.m.
There are other companies that go to Baños de Agua Santa. You can ask in the terminal for more options.
Prices range between $12-$17 depending on the bus cooperative you take.
Remember to buy your tickets at least one day before your trip as there is a possibility that they may sell out, especially on holidays in Ecuador. If you travel at night remember to be careful with your belongings.
If you are looking for something fun to do in Baños, remember that our agency specializes in adventure sports, so visit our website or write to us on WhatsApp.